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The Safe Way to a Deeper Back Bend
Maximize flexibility, mobility, and strength to experience your deepest backbend.
Safely deepen your backbend and improve overall strength and flexibility
What Are You Waiting For?
Get it NOW for just $84.50
(Valued at $170)
Enroll Today
Who Is This Program For?
This program is for dancers ready to experience their deepest backbend by properly preparing for it! It’s for dancers tired of being asked to move into deep backbends with limited flexibility in key areas such as the shoulders, hips, and mid-back.
This program is for those who understand that deep backbends don’t happen overnight! You NEED to strengthen the muscles that create one and stretch ALL the muscles that oppose one. And that’s exactly what this program will do!

Honestly – I just started teaching the Scorpion stretches today with our minis and they make SO much sense. Definitely the missing piece of the puzzle for us as a studio/ gym.
Charlotte B.
What’s Included In This Course
2 FREE eBooks
$40 Value!
Safely Deepen Your Backbend and Improve Overall Strength and Flexibility
What Are You Waiting For?
Get it NOW for just $84.50
(Valued at $170)
Enroll Today
Benefits of this Program
- Increase shoulder flexibility and strength
- Improve mid-back, and scapular mobility
- Improve hip flexibility and mobility
- Improve core strength and control
- Decrease Pain and risk of injury
- And safely deepen your backbend
Dance Specific Improvements
- Arabesque
- Penche
- Turning C Jump
- Turning Deer Jump
- Firebird Leap
- Switch Arabesque Leap
- Double Stag Leap
- Single Stag/Calypso Leap
- Bridge Pose
- Front Walkovers
- Back Walkovers
- Front Aerials
- Scorpion
- Needle
- Acro and More!

I am a Cheer & Dance Studio owner in England with several international travel teams and delivering your curriculum over zoom during a long 4 month lockdown has been a game changer for us!!! All my dancers, tumblers and cheerleaders from age 6+ have benefited SO much and love the curriculum. It’s been a god send in keeping them motivated and actually teaching them something new and exciting!
Charlotte Bromilow

We are still going strong and working flexibly with your curriculum and have had so much success! I just want to thank you. We are happy we came across your work to contribute to all the progress we have made in our studio.
Cascade Conroy